Privacy Policy and GDPR
Data Controller: Right Choice Insurance Brokers Ltd
Trading Names: Autonational, AutoAid Breakdown, Autonational Rescue, Autosaint, Bike Devil, Bennetts Car, EuroRescue, First Insurance Services, Ladybird, Miles Cheaper and Pink Pound Insurance.
Address: 27-43 St James House, Romford, Essex,RM1 3NH
Contact for queries: Dataprotection@rcib.co.uk
1. What is personal information?
Most companies need to collect personal information to assist with providing a service to their customers, for us we want to provide you insurance cover. Personal information or personal data means any information relating to a living individual who can be identified from the information. For example, this could include your name, your address and your policy number.
2. Why we process personal information?
Most companies need to collect personal information to assist with providing a service to their customers, for us we want to provide you insurance cover. We will only request and use your personal information on the basis that it is necessary to administer your insurance contract or to take steps at your request prior to entering a contract or help you make a claim.
3. How we use personal information
As mentioned above, we will only use your information to ensure the performance of your insurance contract. This means in some circumstances we may receive or pass your information to and from third parties. These firms will be:
• Insurers
• Other Insurance Brokers
• Price Comparison Sites
• Claims Handling Firms
• Finance Providers
• Credit Reference Agencies
• Insurance Databases such as CUE (Claims and Underwriting Exchange) and MID (Motor Insurance Database)
• Debt Collection Companies
In certain circumstances we are entitled to make decisions based on automated decision-making or profiling. We will only use this when necessary for the purposes of providing a quotation, entering a contract with you or for the performance of a contract. If you wish to know more information on this, you can contact us by the email in the header.
If we must transfer information to a third country (this being defined as a country outside of the EU and EEA), we will only do so if a similar level of protection applies. If we need to obtain information which is by its nature sensitive, we will only do so on the basis that it is in the public interest – for example to fight crime, prevent fraud or to make sure insurance is available.
We may also use your personal information where it is necessary to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations (for example, complying with reporting obligations to the Financial Conduct Authority or other applicable regulatory authorities).
4. What type of personal information do we need?
To provide you an insurance policy we need to collect personal details, these may include but are not limited to name, address, gender, marital status, date of birth, nationality, bank account details or payment card details. This may include personal information of members of your family, or another authorised person should you wish for them to talk on your behalf about your insurance arrangements.
5. What other types of information do we need?
Under certain circumstances we may also need to obtain information about Race or Origin, Religion, Health, Politics, Genetics, Trade Union Membership, Sex Life or Sexual Orientation. We might also need details of criminal convictions. We will only collect what is necessary and protect it with appropriate security measures
6. How do we obtain your information?
We may gather it from information you submit to a website, by telephone, face to face, by email or post. This may include some of the parties listed in section 3 of this document.
7. How long will you keep my information?
We will only collect what is necessary and will only keep it for as long as we are required to do so, under our regulatory obligations. For more information on this please visit https://www.rcib.co.uk/retention-policy.
8. What are my legal rights?
• You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner at www.ico.org.uk, Tel 0303 123 1113.
• You can obtain a copy of your personal information from us without charge by contacting us at the address above.
• You have the right to transfer information to other providers.
• You have the right to ask us to correct information.
• You have the right to ask us to delete your information or stop using it unless it is necessary for us to retain it for insurance or financial purposes as set out in our ‘Data Retention and Destruction Policy’.
• You may have the right to object if decisions about you are based solely on automated processing.
9. Marketing
When we contact you, it will either be for the above reason or because we have a legitimate interest in marketing related products. For any other marketing it will only be with your consent and you will be able to withdraw your consent or unsubscribe easily at any time by contacting us at the above address.